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2013年8月13日 星期二



貝頤﹕ 麻麻的屁股和我個屁股有甚麼不同﹖
姑媽比比﹕ 麻麻的大點,你的小一點。(等了十秒) 貝頤,你和麻麻的屁股有甚麼不一樣﹖
貝頤﹕ 麻麻大點,貝頤小一點。
姑媽比比﹕ 對了。那姑媽的有甚麼不一樣﹖
貝頤﹕ 姑媽的屁股是臭的。

Renee: What's the difference between granny's and my bottom?
Me: Granny's bigger and your's smaller. (10 seconds later) Renee, whats the difference between granny's and your bottom?
Renee: Granny's bigger and my bottom is smaller.
Me: Right. How about auntie Bebe's bottom? Whats the difference?
Renee: Auntie Bebe's bottom is stinky....

貝頤﹕ 有thunder,姑媽,我們要躲起來。(用棉被蓋著自己和熊貓玩偶的頭。)
我﹕ (我們躲在棉被下,然後我扮雷聲)
貝頤﹕ 呀...........(尖叫,然後把熊貓一拳打到我的下巴。)
我﹕ 呀......好痛,姑媽不能動了。(我裝死)
貝頤﹕ 我可以動 。(完全不理會姑媽,然後自己前後搖動,表示可以動。)

Renee: Auntie, thunder. Let's hide. (Use blanket to cover her and her panda's head)
Me: (We hid under the blanket and I imitated the sound of thunder.)
Renee: (Screamed and panda's fist jabbed my chin.)
Me: (I screamed) Its painful. I can't move.
Renee: I can move. (Completely ignored my pain and rock herself back and forth)

表姑婆﹕ (指著史迪仔問) 這是甚麼﹖
貝頤﹕ 史迪仔。
表姑婆﹕ 你是不是史迪仔﹖
貝頤﹕ 我不是,姑媽才是史迪仔。

Auntie Ling: (Pointed at Stitch) What is this?
Renee: Stitch
Auntie Ling: Are you Stitch?
Renee: No. I am not. Auntie Bebe is Stitch.

貝頤﹕ (我正要出門) 姑媽,你不要出去啦。
我﹕ 為甚麼呢﹖
貝頤﹕ (很認真的說)因為我想陪你玩呀!
我﹕ 嗯,我都很想和你玩,但是我要出門了。

Renee: (I am about to leave) Auntie Bebe, please don't go out.
Renee: (Seriously) Because you want to play with me and I want to be there for you.
Me: Umm...I want to play with you but I need to go out now.




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