(If you would like to read the English version of this recipe, please read the feedback from Joyce below. She twisted the recipe a bit to accommodate Vegan eaters. She also translated the recipe into English. See her message below.)
芝麻香脆,紅豆滑,口感甚好。 |
5-6 人份
紅豆 50克 (浸水過夜)
黃糖 30克
水 200克
蛋 1 隻
椰漿 (unsweetened coconut cream) 160ml
糯米粉 230克
液體狀椰子油 30克 (注意﹕天氣太冷的時候椰子油會凝固,我們這邊最近是負25度。)
細砂糖 80克
熟芝麻 3大匙
1. 紅豆浸水過夜。
2. 把紅豆去水,加入200克的清水,然後放到電鍋蒸約兩小時。(在等的這兩小時,我在準備做蘿蔔糕的材料,時間一點都沒有浪費。)
我很認真的在量水。 |
兩個小時後,紅豆蒸好了,變成紅豆湯。 |
4. 這個時候,在另一隻碗中打一隻蛋,加入椰子油拌勻,再放入細砂糖,並把它們搞拌在一起。
5. 把 (3)的紅豆湯和(4)的材料混在一起。
6. 然後加入糯米粉拌勻。7. 預熱烤箱至350度。
8. 把椰汁紅豆糯米糊倒入一個較寬大的烤盆 (Carol老師用了20cmX20cm的正方盆,我用了一個長方盆,目的是讓年糕成為薄薄的一片片,比較好入口和容易切。) 在倒之前,在烤盆上放一層牛油紙,這樣年糕烤出來不會粘著盆子。
9. 最後,灑上一層芝麻,多少按個人喜好,我其實只加了約2大匙,後來吃的時候覺得加3大匙會比較好。
10. 放入烤箱烤50分鐘。
11. 出爐後,等約5-10分鐘便可以把它切成一件件正方型,然後趁熱的吃。
剛烤好的樣子,多放一點芝麻應該可以蓋過裂縫。 |
一拉開牛油紙便可以切,真方便。 |
Honey K說它像一隻滑鼠,我覺得像雪怪的腳印。 |
他的手看起來好大呀! |
嗯...好香好香的椰子和紅豆味。 |
刪除I made this vegan with various sugars, sprinkled some desiccated coconut last 5 minutes instead of sesame, and it was delicious, so thank you for the recipe!!!
回覆刪除I'd love for this available for English vegan recipe seekers, so here is a rough translation:
Baked Coconut Red Bean New Year Cake (Sticky Rice Cake)
Servings: 5-6
50g red beans, soaked overnight
30g yellow sugar
200g water
1 egg or egg replacer
160ml unsweetened coconut cream
230g glutinous rice flour
30g coconut oil (warmed to liquid)
80g fine granulated sugar
3T sesame (not raw)
1. Soak red beans overnight
2. Drain, add 200g water, and steam in electric cooker for 2 hours. (During this time, the author prepared ingredients for radish cake and no time was left to chance).
Two hours later, we have red bean soup.
3. Remove the red bean soup, add the yellow sugar and coconut cream, mix and put aside to cool
4. In another bowl, mix your mixed egg (replacer) and coconut oil until uniform, add granulated sugar, mix together
5. Mix the two mixtures (3&4) together.
6. Add glutinous rice flour and mix until uniform
7. Preheat oven to 350F.
8. Pour mixture into relatively wide/big baking apparatus. (The author's instructor used a 20cm x 20cm, the author used a rectangular one, the purpose is to get thin pieces that fit in the mouth and are easier to cut.)
9. Last, sprinkle sesame to your liking.
10. Bake for 50 minutes.
11. After it's out of the oven, allow to cool for 5-10 minutes. Cut into rectangular pieces and enjoy!
Happy Lantern Day!
Joyce, you are so thoughtful! Thank you for creating this English recipe. I am sure other vegan recipe seekers will appreciate your effort and creativity.
刪除Oh, I was also pressed for time and just used canned red beans. Could have reduced the water a bit, but it was still good.
回覆刪除Good idea. Smart!