秋天的暖身料理—椰汁奶油南瓜燉雞煲 |
美國的「南瓜」品種有好幾種,不但有如傳統南瓜車一樣的pumpkin (橙色),還有acorn squash (深綠色皮、松果狀), butternut squash (黃橘子色皮、壺狀) 和 spaghetti squash (黃色皮、壺狀),這些都俗稱「冬天的瓜」 (Winter Squash)。 今天要介紹用奶油南瓜 (butternut squash/ butternut pumpkin)做的一道一鍋料理,如果家中沒有奶油南瓜,可用傳統的南瓜取代。
南瓜 (切中粒) 約4-5杯 [我用了奶油瓜]
紅蘿蔔 (切小粒) 約1.5杯 [我用了小紅蘿蔔]
白蘿蔔 (切中粒) 約1杯
中型洋蔥 (切中粒)
蒜頭 (切碎) 2-3粒
雞柳/雞腿肉 (切塊) 約3-4 杯
清雞湯 3杯
(低脂)椰奶 1罐/約 2杯
薑黃粉 2 茶匙
鹽 1-2 茶匙
黑胡椒 1 茶匙
* 薑粉 1 茶匙
* 奧勒岡 1/2 茶匙
* 紅椒粉 1 茶匙 [不喜辛辣的不要放]
* 洋香菜粉 1/2 茶匙 [用作裝飾]
* 沒有的話可略去,這些香料會增加香氣。
Basic ingredients:
Pumpkin/butternut squash 4-5 cups cubbed
Carrots 1.5 cup cubbed
Daikon 1 cup cubbed
Medium sized onion cubbed
Garlic 2-3 cloves minced
Chicken strips/ thighs 3-4 cups
Basic seasoning:
Chicken stock 3 cups
Coconut milk 1 can/ about 2 cups
Turmeric 2 tsp
Salt 1-2 tsp
Pepper 1 tsp
Optional advanced seasoning:
Ginger powder 1 tsp
Oregano 1/2 tsp
Cayanne Pepper 1 tsp
Parsley flakes 1/2 tsp (garnish)
完成後加點洋香菜作裝飾,黃中帶點綠,看起來就是開胃。 |
方法 Method﹕
1. 先把南瓜切成較小份然後用電飯煲蒸熟 (30分鐘),或用烤箱烤熟 (400度30分鐘)。
Chop the pumpkin into four portions and steam it with a rice cooker/steamer for 30 mins. You can also roast your pumpkin by putting it in the oven (400F for 30 mins)
2. 在一個鍋中,加入適量的橄欖油、熱鍋後再放入洋蔥、紅蘿蔔 、白蘿蔔、蒜頭。把這些材料用中火炒至變金黃色。
In a pot, add a decent amount of olive oil. Heat the oil before you put in onions, carrots, daikon and garlic. Let them caramelized.
3. 加入雞柳或雞腿肉。因為我買了一個新的cast iron skillet,我要season它,所以我用它來煎雞柳。你可以直接放到鍋子中,一起煮。
Add chicken into the pot. As I just purchased a cast iron skillet and I needed to season it, so I cook my chicken on it. You can just add the chicken into the pot.
4. 當南瓜蒸至差不多熟的時候,可以拿出來,用匙更去掉中間的籽。
When the pumpkin is done, take them out and scope the seeds out by using a spoon. Be careful, they are hot.
5. 把南瓜切塊,然後加入鍋中和其他材料一起煮。
Chop the pumpkin into pieces and add them to the pot.
6. 加入雞湯、薑黃,以及其他香料。
Add chicken stock, turmeric, salt and pepper, as well as the other advanced seasoning.
7. 然後倒入椰奶,蓋著繼續用中火煮至煮沸,然後再轉至小火燉約1-1.5 小時。家中有烤箱,可預熱烤箱至275度,烤約1-1.5小時,便可以食用。
Pour in the coconut milk. Use medium heat until it brings to a boil. Turn the heat to low and stew it for 1.5 hours. If you have an oven, preheat your oven to 275F and let it sit inside for about 1.5 hours.
開飯了! |