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2011年10月23日 星期日

鮪魚沙拉可頌三明治 Homemade Tuna Salad Croissant Sandwich


Serving: 2-3 croissant sandwiches (depending on how much salad you want to put into your sandwich) 

從Costco買的可頌面包 (Croissant) 
鮪魚一罐 (A can of Tuna fish)
水煮蛋一隻 (A hard boiled egg)
毛豆 20顆 (Edammame 20 pcs) 
小蘋果一個 (A small gala apple) 
[If you do not like the sweetness of apple, you can substitute with a stalk of finely chopped celery or 3 pcs of chopped baby carrots to make your sandwich crunchy] 
檸檬汁2湯匙 (2 tbsp of lemon juice and some zest, if desired) 
蔥2 條 (2 stalks of scallions) 
蛋黃醬1 湯匙 (1 tbsp of mayo) 
芥末1湯匙 (1 tbsp of mustard)- I used horseradish mustard.  
胡椒 適量 (some black pepper) 

1. 把鮪魚去水,然後把蛋、蔥和蘋果切成小顆。(如果喜歡吃暖暖的可頌,可把可頌先放烤箱溫熱。) 
Drain the water from the can of tuna. Dice hard boiled egg, scallions and apple into very small pieces. 
2. 混合鮪魚、蛋、毛豆、青蔥和蘋果。
Mix tuna, egg, edammame, scallions and apple together.
3. 加入芥末、檸檬汁、蛋黃醬和胡椒。
Add mustard, lemon juice, mayo and pepper. 
4. 把所有材料拌勻。
Mix and stir everything together. 

Cut the croissant into halves. Put salad in.  
6. 可以大口大口的吃了! 
Ready to serve. Bite time!

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