Ordinary people with extraordinary compassion for life, food and people.

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2012年5月19日 星期六
Necessary Losses 從失去到成長
我近日在讀Judith Viorst的 "Necessary Losses: The Loves, Illusions, Dependencies and Impossible Expectations that All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Grow",反思了很多人生必經的階段和心路歷程。成長本來就是痛的,這個道理我很早便了解,或許這是為甚麼我在他人眼中,都要比同年的孩子成熟。成長的代價,對於想早日變成大人的小孩子而言是很難明白的。或許,我們也難以明白當年為甚麼我們都曾經渴望快點變成大人。從在成長中掙扎,到接受生命中種種的失望,我們每天都在經歷理想和現實的分歧,在喜怒哀樂,碰碰撞撞中,學會慢慢的放開,然後欣然的接受現實中的不可能。
我從來都沒有想過,我會不捨得一個客。對於我來說,每個客都是重要的,但是她是特別的。也許,在整個過程,我希望成為那個可以帶她離開那個塔的勇者,眼看她跟我說她決定不要走的那一剎間,我有如從高塔墮下。也許,對我來說,那是一個narcissistic injury.
我知道,我也了解生活是她的,我不能過她的生活,我不能為她作決定,所以從那天起,我便在讀Necessary Losses,希望可以用Viorst的智慧鼓勵她成長,面對生命中的危與機,而事實是我要哀悼那種要失去她的感受。今天,我終於明白要讀"Necessary Losses"的人是我,不是她,我要尊重及學會接受客人跟我說「我(暫時)不要某種的改變」。
2012年5月6日 星期日
Japanese Baked Cheesecake 日式芝士餅
口感很軟滑的芝士餅 |
材料 Ingredients:
餅底 Crust
(有機)麥片 (Organic) Oats (1
穀類早餐 Cereal (1 cup)
牛油 Butter 5 tbsp
起士蛋糕漿 Cheesecake fillings
瑪士卡彭乳酪 Mascarpone Cheese (8 oz)
面粉 Flour (3
蛋 2隻 Egg x2
牛油 Butter 2 tbsp
發泡鮮奶油 Whipping cream 1/2 cup
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 5 tbsp
1. 把蛋糕紙放在蛋糕盆,蛋糕盆掃上一點水可以幫助蛋糕紙穩定在盆中。
2. 把穀類早餐放在一個保鮮袋中,然後壓碎。
3. 混入麥片搞拌。
4. 加入牛油,再搞拌。
5. 倒入蛋糕盆中,輕輕的用手或湯匙壓下去。
6. 放入冰箱冷卻形固。
7. 預熱烤箱350F
1. 把瑪士卡彭乳酪 +龍舌 蘭花蜜+ 牛油 +檸檬汁+發泡鮮奶油打在一起。
2. 慢慢的加入蛋醬,千萬不要一次過。
3. 最後加入面粉,搞拌好。
4. 把餅底從冰箱拿出來,把以上的起士蛋糕漿倒進去。
5. 把起士蛋糕放進烤箱,烤45分鐘。
6. 冷卻後,再把它冰上1至2小時。然後可以慢用。
6. 冷卻後,再把它冰上1至2小時。然後可以慢用。
Spinach Souffle 菠菜千層蛋
Spinach Souffle |
I saw my supervisor eating something like a spinach "muffin" the other day and I thought it looked healthy. I learned that it was an Italian dish called "spinach souffle," so I created my own version of it. I think this is quite different from the original spinach souffle and it looks more like a lasagna (without the carbs).
This is fresh from the oven! |
A pound of spinach
1 red pepper (diced)
1/2 yellow pepper (diced)
Vermont Cheddar (5 slices, diced) - feel free to add more cheese
8 Egg whites
3 Egg yolks
1 Portobello (diced)
Milk 1 cup
Milk 1 cup
Salt & Pepper
Olive oil 2tbsp
Garlic 2 cloves (minced)
Half an onion (diced)
1. Pour 2 tbsp of olive oil in a heated pan. Add chopped onions in the pan and as they turn brown, add in garlic, portobello and spinach. Cook them slightly and remove excess water resulted from cooking the vegetables
2. Preheat the oven to 350F. Glazed your baking pan with olive oil to prevent the souffle from sticking at it.
3. Whisk the eggs together. Add salt and pepper, as well as milk. Whisk well.
4. Mix the diced red and yellow peppers with the mixture (3). Add in (1) and pour them into your baking ware.
5. Topped with the Vermont Cheddar cheese. Put int the oven and bake for 45 minutes.
As you can see, it is stacked with tons of veggies. |
烘烤藍莓蘋果麥片 Baked Apple & Blueberry Oatmeal
這個學期順利的結束了,而我在大學的教學也正式完畢了。在暑期課開始及考口試前,我可以暫時舒一口氣,不用改學生的功課實在太好了! 呼!不計暑期兩周的Rorschach Inkblot Test課,這個學期是我博士班最後一個學期,而我終於可以暫別校園的生活,正式的投入全職實習工作,想起真的很是期待呢! 雖然這個星期是放假周,可是我可不能鬆懈,畢竟,我們做研究的本來就沒有說放不放假,還有我要為八月底的論文答辯而努力,所以等一下我便要回辦公室工作。嗯,我要為今天的工作準備一份很健康的早點。
今天很想吃熱熱的水果烘烤麥片,能夠安靜的做菜真的很快樂 : )。
Oats 3/4 cup
Barley 1/4 cup
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp
Nutmeg 1 tsp
Ginger powder 1/2 tsp
Chia Seed 1/8 cup
Soy milk/milk 1 cup
Egg (large) 1
Apple (peel and chop into small pieces) 1
Fresh Blueberry (approximately 1 cup)
* honey/nectar and raisins are optional but you can add them as you eat it.
1. Preheat oven to 375F.
2. Peel and chop 1 apple into small pieces.
3. Boil water and cook barley for 20 minutes, until soft.
4. Mix Oats, salt, nutmeg, ginger powder, baking powder, chia seed, cooked barley, apple and blueberry in the bowl.
5. In another bowl, whisk egg and add in milk or soy milk.
6. Pour (5) into (4) and stir.
7. If you have not been mixing your ingredients in a baking pan, pour the mixture (6) into an non-stick baking pan.
8. Put it in the oven and bake for approximately 40 minutes.
Topped with honey/nectar if you have a sweet tooth. Raisins also enhance the flavor of this hearty breakfast. |
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