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2012年10月7日 星期日

香濃巧克力手工餅干 (少甜) Another chocolate cookie recipe


Serving 份量: 18 片
Texture 口感 ﹕ Crispy 脆

Ingredients 材料 ﹕
Unsalted butter 無鹽奶油 (2 tbsp)
Trader Joes Semi-sweet chocolate chips 朱古力粒 (3/4 cup)
White/granulated sugar白糖 (1/2 cup)
All-purpose flour 中筋面粉 (1 cup)
Sea salt 鹽 (1/4 tsp)
UCC Instant coffee powder 即溶咖啡粉 (2 tsp)
Nutmeg 肉豆蔻粉 (1 tsp)
Egg 蛋 (2 eggs)
Baking Powder (1 tbsp)
Water 冷開水 (2 tbsp)
Vanilla essence 香草精油 (1 tbsp)
Ginger powder 薑粉 (1 tsp)

Optional: chopped walnuts 碎合桃 (1/2 cup)

 Procedures 方法﹕

1. Preheat oven to 300F and line two baking trays with parchment papers.
2. Over medium heat, place a glass bowl over boiling water, add in butter and chocolate chips. Stir until the chocolates are melted and the liquid is smooth.
3. In another bowl, mix together flour, nutmeg, salt, baking powder, coffee powder and ginger powder. Set aside.
4. Pour and beat in eggs, sugar, vanilla essence, water into a mixer/bowl. Then add (3) into this mixture. Stir/mix well.
5. Fold in the melted chocolate prepared and add in the optional ingredient (i.e., chopped walnuts).
6. Use two spoons to get the mixture into a scope and place it on the baking trays. Put them into the oven and bake for 18-20 mins.

Its rich in chocolate flavor. Serve it with a cup of English lemon tea or simply, a glass of milk. 




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