
為保障病人隱私,作者於心理學隨筆內並沒有在未經客戶的同意下,放置任何病患的真實故事,所有包含心理治療的故事內容都已經改編,忌對號入座。另外,本人不能在網上隔空治療,所以本網站並不提供任何形式的心理諮詢服務,如有需要,請到醫院或診所求診,敬請留意。All the psychotherapy stories are written in ways to protect clients' confidentiality and privacy rights. NO real and identifiable clients' stories are shared on this website without their permission. No psychotherapy consultation will be provided on this website. Please do see your local provider for any psychological consultation.

2019年6月21日 星期五

鼓勵孩子的蒙方法 Encouraging kids in the Montessori way

"The child, in fact, once she/he/they feels sure of herself/himself/themselves, will no longer seek the approval of authority after every step." (Maria Montessori)
研究指出過份讚美孩子或用「浮誇式讚美」都會減低孩子的學習內在動機(intrinsic motivation),也會讓孩子在得不到讚美或肯定時感到異常焦慮,以及變得害怕失敗。長遠來說,孩子會因為期待別人的讚美而做出大家喜歡見到的行為,成為「討好型」孩子( people-pleasers)。



How to celebrate success/encourage kids without giving them "praises"? 

1. 謝謝你勇敢地分享給我聽你的(煩惱、焦慮、憂傷、脆弱、痛苦),謝謝你相信我。
Thank you for sharing with me your (vulnerabilities, sadness, anxiety, thoughts, pain). Thank you for trusting me.

2. 謝謝你分享你的(餅乾、玩具),我很開心。
Thank you for sharing your (cookies, toys, books). I am so glad.

3. 我欣賞你的用心。
I appreciate your effort.

4. 我欣賞你注意到其他人需要幫忙。
I appreciate you notice someone else needs help.

5. 你沒有放棄,盡力了。
You did not give up. You have tried hard.

6. 你很專心做事情 (畫畫、讀書、玩玩具)。
You are very focused in (drawing, reading, playing).

7. 謝謝你貼心給(媽媽、爸爸、奶奶、爺爺) 休息的空間。
Thank you for being considerate when you give (mommy, daddy, grandpa, grandma) a break.

8. 你做到了!
You did it!

9. 謝謝你收好玩具/幫忙清潔。
Thank you for cleaning up.

10. 你注意到錯誤並修正過來。
You notice something goes wrong and make the correction.

11. 我相信你可以做得到。
I believe you can do it.

12. 你正很努力在學習。
You are trying really hard.

13. 我想知道你是怎樣做到的。
I would like to know you did it. Would you please tell me?

14. 你今天照顧好自己,我們多了時間一起玩。
You have taken care of yourself today. We have more time to play.

15. 你把東西都整理好了,媽媽不用再清潔,多了時間可以陪你一起玩。
You have cleaned up so Mommy does not need to spend more time tidying up. Mommy has more time to play with you now.

A little note for my daughter, Luna: 
I hope you are courageous enough to explore the world without feeling the pressure to ensure the happiness of everyone, because it is unrealistic to please everyone, and it is exhausting to be a people pleaser. Be kind. Be considerate. Be generous. Be yourself. 

2019年6月20日 星期四


Ilama Ilama Red Pajama和Dear Panda是最近小月睡前必讀的故事書。Ilama Ilama是名氣迫人的繪本,講小草泥馬睡前與媽媽的生活故事,和大部份寶寶睡前經過差不多,故事情節簡單,句子讀起來押韻,句式也短淺,容易引起小寶貝的共鳴之餘,父母亦不用講到口水都乾,而作為媽媽的我也學到幾個新的英文生字。

Dear Panda中的熊貓是故事的大配角,如果家中有小朋友如小月般熱愛熊貓會是一個不錯的閱讀選擇。故事有關一個小女孩搬了新家,害怕在新學校認識不了新朋友,於是寫信給住在隔壁動物園的熊貓,問牠是否能當她的朋友。當了朋友後,熊貓和小女孩一起做不同的事情,熊貓也「出手」幫助小女孩到學校認識新同學,最後小女孩認識了另一位也喜歡熊貓的女生,然後兩個人一起玩。故事內容很是窩心,帶出孩子面對新環境及交朋友的焦慮,很適合在學或要面臨轉校的孩子讀。這本書的內容和句式都比較長,比較適合2-5歲的孩子,或已經有一定閱讀習慣的孩子。我們一家三口剛搬到東岸,小月也轉了學校,認識了新老師和同學,故事內容和圖畫都剛好吻合小月的生活日常。我想就是因為這樣,小月每晚都要我讀上一遍Dear Panda。

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