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2013年3月20日 星期三

用色彩斑斕的墨西哥菜去迎接春天的第一天 Tacos Night!

今晚來個墨西哥卷餅夜(Tacos Night!)

好不容易春天終於來了,可惜我和Honey K還是在零下六度過日子,沒有甚麼,我只可以欣然接受這是明尼蘇達。


春天讓我想到色彩斑斕的墨西哥菜。我們家中剛好有一大堆新鮮的材料,我便做起以下這個自助式的墨西哥晚餐。墨西哥菜偏重口味,但是只要減省調味料,其實可以是很清新的菜式,更特別適合郊遊之用。這個晚上我準備了一個卡菜沙拉(Kale Salad),雞柳 (seasoned pan fried chicken thighs),洋蔥炒青椒 (fajitas) ,青檸米飯 (seasoned rice with lime juice), 蔥花 (diced green onions),青檸檬 (limes) ,藍玉米墨西哥脆餅(blue corn crispy tacos)和莎莎 (Salsa)。整個準備過程大約是45 分鐘。


Honey K,春天快樂,讓我們用色彩斑斕的墨西哥菜去迎接春天的第一天。

卡菜沙拉 (Kale Salad)


1. 把卡菜切成幼絲,放在一旁備用。
2.  在一個碗,加入1/8 杯的橄欖油、1個檸檬的汁、1湯匙的芝麻油、1 湯匙的鹽和黑胡椒,以及1 湯匙的蜜糖,搞拌後,把這樣的沙拉油加入卡菜,然後用手加以按摩2分鐘,這樣卡菜會變軟身易吃。

香煎醬油雞柳 (pan fried seasoned chicken thighs)

1. 預先把2 湯匙的醬油,2湯匙的味林,適量的黑胡椒和Cayenne Pepper 把約六小件雞腿肉調味 (30 分鐘)。
2. 在鍋中加入兩湯匙的橄欖油,用中火預熱鍋子。
3. 加入雞腿肉用中火煎至熟透,約十至十二分鐘。

洋蔥炒青椒 (fajitas)

1. 把半個大紅洋蔥和1個小黃洋蔥切成幼絲,放入用橄欖油預熱過的鍋上炒。
2. 加入兩顆切片的蒜頭用中火繼續炒。
3. 然後加入已切成幼絲的青椒,以及適量的鹽和黑胡椒調味。把所有材料炒至熟透,洋蔥呈金黃至咖啡色。


Vegetarian Option素食者﹕ 飯加卡菜和洋蔥炒青椒

Vegetarian Option:搞拌後,可配上莎莎和玉米片享用


可以把材料放在墨西哥卷餅皮上,加上莎莎,包著一起吃。我們家用Ancient Grains做的皮。


2013年3月18日 星期一

基本柚子蛋糕 Basic Grapefruit Cake

Moist and sufficiently sweet. This is the best grapefruit cake ever. 

Disclaimer: This is a recipe modified from Thomas Keller's Grapefruit Cake. See the original recipe

It takes me awhile to perfect this recipe to the degree that Honey K and I absolutely love.  This is a very moist cake with intense grapefruit sensation. You can definitely smell and taste how wonderfully the grapefruit syrup and the cake marry each other. I have tried many ways to adjust the original recipe as it is too sweet for us but we love the fragrant of the grapefruit in this cake. So, I remove the icing and reduce the sugar level. I attempted making a honey grapefruit cake in the past but it was slightly more complicated than necessary. It was also difficult to bake with honey as it made the cake easily burnt. Anyway, here, I present this easier version with slight adjustment from the original recipe. Basically, I added more grapefruit zest because I love the fragrance of grapefruit. I reduced the sugar to 2/3 cup. I used vanilla soy milk instead of milk. Everyone loves this cake!

材料 Ingredients﹕
低筋面粉 Cake Flour -  2 cups
發粉 Baking powder - 1 3/4 tsp
鹽 Salt - 1 tsp
蛋 Eggs - 2 
糖 Sugar - 2/3 cup
蜂蜜 Honey - 1/8 cup
香草精油 Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
柚子皮 grapefruit zest - 1 grapefruit
低脂牛奶 2 % skim milk/ 豆漿 Vanilla Soymilk- 1 cup
芥花子油 Canola Oil - 3/4 cup

1. 把烤箱預熱 350F.
Preheat the oven into 350F.
2. 混合低筋面粉、發粉、柚子皮和鹽,放在一旁,備用。
Mix together cake flour,  baking powder, grapefruit zest, and salt. Put them aside.
3. 把蛋、糖和蜂蜜打在一起,加入芥花子油 和香草精油,再倒入牛奶,繼續搞拌至均衡,然後加入 (2)搞拌,注意千萬不要過份搞拌。
Mix together egg, sugar and honey. Add in canola oil and vanilla extract. Pour in milk or soymilk and mix well. Then, Pour in (2) and stir them together. Avoid over-stirring.
4. 把 (3)倒進一個長方蛋糕盆 (約5 x 9吋) ,放入烤箱烤30分鐘,然後轉一下烤盆,再烤30分鐘。*在長方蛋糕盆下放一盆水可以保持蛋糕的濕度,確保蛋糕不會烤得太乾。
Pour (3) into a rectangular baking tin (approx 5" x 9"). Bake about 30 minutes and turn the baking tin to the other side. 
* Put a tray of water underneath the baking tin will allow the cake to be moist.
5. 蛋糕出烤箱後,用筷子穿進蛋糕中(不要穿過底部),然後慢慢拿出來,這樣可以檢查蛋糕是否完全熟透。如果蛋糕熟透的話,出來的筷子應該沒有東西(或只有很少的蛋糕碎) 黏著。
When the cake is done, use a chopstick to test if the cake is cooked. Poke into the middle of the cake. If it is cooked, your chopstick should come out mostly clean.
*6. 最後,用筷子在蛋糕針上一些小孔 (約十來多個),然後按個人喜好,塗上適量的柚子糖漿,柚子糖漿會從一個個小孔滲透蛋糕中。
*Optional: poke several holes on the cake (about 10), depending on personal preferences. Brush on the top with grapefruit syrup when the cake is still warm.

Serve with fruit tea or flora tea. What a wonderful afternoon snack.  

柚子糖漿的做法﹕ Grapefruit syrup recipe 
When the cake is baking in the oven, prepare 1/3 cup of grapefruit juice and add in 1/3 sugar. Cook them well and until the sugar is dissolved. [I was lazy. I just put them in the microwave for this process.]

2013年3月3日 星期日

黑莓鬆餅 Blackberry Muffins

新鮮的黑莓鬆餅出爐了! Freshly Baked Blackberries Muffins 

找了大概三個月的工作,我在「生日」(2.28.2013)當天收到The Emily Program的通知,說我順利通過面試,成功得到後博士一職。實習過後並拿到博士學位以後,我便可以在九月正式上班。我整個人從上星期高壓的心情轉化成愉快輕鬆的,自覺得心情終於調整過來,鬆一口氣。(呼!) 昨天我打電話回家跟奶奶報喜,奶奶說她一早就知道我會拿到這份工作,我問她怎樣知道的,她說她上星期祈福時有問黃大仙,然後黃大仙給她兩個很好的「杯」,所以她知道一定沒有問題。順帶一題,由於我十分希望得到這份夢寐以求而求的工,從面試當天開始,我和Honey K便一直向天父爸爸祈禱,果然心誠則靈。謝謝奶奶和Honey K的祈求,也感謝天父爸爸和黃大仙的保佑。小女子十分感恩,我會繼續好好工作以答謝神恩。



份量 Serving﹕ 12 鬆餅 muffins 

These blackberry muffins aren't too sweet. Serve with coffee as a breakfast item or snack.

材料 Ingredients﹕

*全麥面粉 1杯 whole wheat flour 1 cup
白面粉 1 杯 all purpose flour 1 cup
**白糖 約2/3 杯 (保留約2湯匙) sugar 2/3 cup (hold on to 2 tbsp for later use)
發粉 2 茶匙 baking powder 2 tsp
檸檬皮 1 個 lemon zest 1 tbsp
香草精油 1茶匙 vanilla extract 1tsp
***冰鮮或新鮮黑莓 2杯 blackberries 2 cups
奶油/牛油 8 湯匙 1 stick of butter or 8 tbsp (room temperature)
牛奶 Milk 1/2 杯 cup
雞蛋 2 隻 2 eggs
鹽 Salt 1/4 tsp 茶匙
****玉桂粉 Cinnamon powder 1/4 tsp 茶匙
****肉豆蔻 Nutmeg 1/8 tsp 茶匙

* 如果沒有全麥面粉可用普遍白面粉代替
Substitute with all purpose flour if you don't have any whole wheat flour
** 喜歡甜的可以增加至1杯糖
If you like sweets, you might want to add in 1 cup of sugar instead of 2/3 cup of sugar.
If you use frozen berries, they have to be defrosted first. Substitute with blueberries if desired.
**** 可有可無。
Skip them if you don't have any in your pantry.

方法 Procedures﹕

1. 預熱烤箱至375 F.
Preheat oven to 375 F.
2. 把處於室溫的牛油和3/4 杯糖打至成一體。
Cream the 1 stick of butter and 3/4 cup of sugar together.
3. 在另一個碗,混合以下乾的材料,包括面粉、鹽、發粉。
In a separate bowl, mix the following dry ingredients: whole wheat flour, all purpose flour, salt and baking powder.
4. 把約1 杯的黑莓壓碎,加入(2)中搞拌。然後加入1/4 杯牛奶、檸檬皮、2隻蛋和香草精油繼續搞拌。這個時候,先加入一半的(3)作搞拌.
Mash about 1 cup of blackberries and add them into mixture (2). Mix well. Then add in 1/4 cup of milk,lemon zest, 2 eggs and vanilla extract, as well as half of mixture (3).  Beat them all together. I used Kitchen Aid Mixer to help me in the process.
5. 再加入剩下來的1/4 杯牛奶、(3) 和黑莓作最後的一次搞拌。這個時候用刮刀搞拌便可以,這樣可以免黑莓給完全的打碎。
Then, add in the remaining 1/4 cup of milk, mixture 3 and the rest of the blackberries. Stir them well with a spatula, so you can still taste the blackberries.
6. 在一個小碗,混合2湯匙的白糖,1/4 茶匙的玉桂粉和1/8  茶匙的肉豆蔻。
In a separate small bowl, mix 2tbsp of sugar, 1/4 tsp of cinnamon and 1/8 tsp of nutmeg together. This step is optional.
7. 把已混合好的面漿倒進烤鬆餅用的Muffin Tins,多少可按個人喜好。我大概把面漿加入至滿,這樣的鬆餅出來便會高高的。最後在每個鬆餅上灑上(6),多少也是看個人喜好,不好玉桂粉的可免卻這個步驟。
Pour the mixture into muffin tins. You can adjust how much you like to put in each muffin tin. I added the amount that would make the tin full because I like it to rise a bit. Sprinkle the sugar mixture (6) on top of each muffin.
You can adjust how much you like to put in each muffin tin. I like it almost full. 
8. 最後,放入烤箱烤約25-30分鐘至啡黃色。烤好的時候,拿出來冷卻,此時請等至少20分鐘才把它們從muffin tins 中拿出來。
Finally, bake for 25 to 30 minutes until they turn brownish yellow. Cool down for at least 20 minutes before removing them from the muffin tins.

They look just gorgeous. 
You can still see the crystal sugar on the top of each of them. 

小提示 A small tip : 
To check whether they are cooked through, use a chopstick or toothpick to poke through the middle of the muffin. When you take out either the chopstick or the toothpick, it should come out clean.
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