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2009年10月3日 星期六

What is inside the psychology student?

What is inside her office desk?
Right. These are all those wonderful goodies in my office Serotonin Supplier (which is actually a drawer full of food). Note, I put my apples in the fridge but for the sake of showing my dedication to an apple a day, I put it in this photo as well. Say Yes to Apple!!!!I also have a lot of Yoplait yogurt in the office fridge and oatmeal in another place. Since I get hungry easily, especially after exercising in the gym, I store up different kinds of energy bar to keep me active and full. The chocolate peppermint stick (LUNA) is a great snack when you crave for some sweetness and serotonin. They are 180 calories per bar and a great source of protein. I assume it is better than a pack of potatoes chips. They are $1 each.

What is inside her bag?
I carry a lot with me on my way back to school. These are some of the daily items i have in my bag. Bobobe holds my home keys and Purple Octopus holds my office and clinic keys. Eye drops, flash drive, post it, highlighters, cellphone, honey K's student ID, purse, schedule planner, therapy notes and pens...You may wonder what do I do with my stopwatch. Timing myself on walking back to school? Nice idea. No. Timing myself while running in the gym? No. I actually use it for assessments purpose, doing tests with my guinea pigs. I also carry pencils, eraser and clipboard for assessment. On the top of this, I also bring my own lunchbox. No wonder my shoulders hurt!

What is inside her mind?
Always a piece of mindfulness, always a group of signifcant others,always a passion for beauty, humans & knowledge, always the hours*! Where have my hours gone?
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