我們上星期到過了芝加哥的綠色節 (Green Festival)學到了很多綠色生活的方法,恰巧昨晚看了Epic,故事其中的名句﹕ "Many Leaves. One Tree" 讓我覺得我們和大自然的關係更接近。今天,我決定立刻自製天然的洗潔精,減少吃進化學物和生產廢物。
We went to the Green Festival in Chicago last week and we loved it. We learned many ways to lead a green life. Incidentally, we watched Epic last night and we were really inspired by the concept "Many Leaves. One Tree." We are all interconnected and we need to learn to live sustainable manner. I decided to wait no more (or procrastinate no more). I made my first homemade dish soap with a few ingredients this afternoon within 5 minutes.
在綠色節的收穫 Gifts and Souvenirs from the Green Festival |
天然洗潔精的做法Simple Homemade Natural Dish Soap
Homemade Natural Dish Soap |
圖中為所有的材料Everything you will need for this recipe |
5-10分鐘 (including your material gathering time at home)
材料 Ingredients﹕
橄欖香皂 1杯 (Pure Castile Soap 1 cup)
橄欖香皂 1杯 (Pure Castile Soap 1 cup) |
白醋/ 檸檬汁 1 湯匙 (White Vinegar 1 tbsp)/ Lemon Juice 1 tbsp
* 茶樹油 10滴 (Tea Tree Oil 10 drops)
咖啡濾紙1張/餾斗1個 Coffee filter paper 1 piece/ Funnel 1
Skip tea tree oil if you don't have it handy at home or you dislike the smell of it.
方法 Procedure﹕
1. 這個洗潔精做法很簡單,我首先拿了一個舊的玻璃水瓶,用水洗過後備用。你可以用不同的水瓶或以前用過的洗潔精瓶子。
Clean a used bottle with water. Rinse it well. I used a glass bottle from Kevita. I removed the label around the bottle without using much energy. It was easily peeled. You can use any kind of bottle as long as you find it easy to use.
2. 把液體橄欖香皂加入空瓶中,然後加入清水。
Pour liquid castile soup into the emptied bottle. [1 part of soap, 2 parts of water]
Add in vinegar/lemon juice and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Its basically done.
完成。That is it! Our first homemade natural dish soap! |
This is one simple efficient recipe. Effectiveness? Tell me what you think. We are still in the process of experimenting with this.