
為保障病人隱私,作者於心理學隨筆內並沒有在未經客戶的同意下,放置任何病患的真實故事,所有包含心理治療的故事內容都已經改編,忌對號入座。另外,本人不能在網上隔空治療,所以本網站並不提供任何形式的心理諮詢服務,如有需要,請到醫院或診所求診,敬請留意。All the psychotherapy stories are written in ways to protect clients' confidentiality and privacy rights. NO real and identifiable clients' stories are shared on this website without their permission. No psychotherapy consultation will be provided on this website. Please do see your local provider for any psychological consultation.

2012年4月16日 星期一

You can make it! 留學生也可以煮好飯

3 種材料,15分鐘,速食湯餡餅


天下間沒有免費的午餐,但有人人都可以做的菜式。煮飯呢,對我來說,是在外國生活最大的樂趣,特別是住在這種人煙絕跡的地方,除了跳Zumba和做Yoga,廚房是我最能減壓的地方。今天不想煮飯,也不想外吃,於是做了這個用15 分鐘便完成的健康晚餐。喜歡簡單的你可以試試看。

1. 一罐蕃茄濃湯 (可用其他口味,如玉米濃湯)

2. Pillsbury 的reduced fat crescent roll dough 2 長方片 (要視乎碗的大小)

3. 少許的冷凍蔬菜,約1/3杯,除個人喜好,可增可減 (我今天用的是有玉米,紅蘿蔔和小蘆筍的) 。

4. 九層塔 Basil 5片 (可省略) 


1. 預熱烤箱350F. 

2. 把湯和蔬菜混在一起,放微波爐熱上2分鐘

3. 我忘了先把湯在微波爐預熱,所以蔬菜還是冰冰的,記得要先預熱湯和蔬菜!把餅皮包在碗上。
4. 沒有技巧,把餅皮包著碗,不用按也不用壓,輕輕的鋪在上面便好。
5.  放入烤箱,烤上15至20分鐘,餅皮變金黃色便可拿出來。




2012年4月14日 星期六

On being a woman, too 可以和而不同嗎﹖


女人要在職場上顯現自己的能力並不容易,有些人,無論男或女,會不經意貶低女性的能力,就以美國這個民主國家最為嚴重。Sarah Palin曾被嘲諷成最好的自慰物料,希拉利在媒體被指為Bitch,更被人說她因為PMS或更年期影響她的政論,現任的美國第一夫人米雪奧巴馬更被指她揮霍及常常給媒體品評她的衣著...有多少人知道這三個女人默默為國家做的事﹖ 有多少人知道美國現時的抗肥胖症的宣傳活動都是米雪奧巴馬推動的呢﹖ 有多少人會這樣批評嘲諷及品評男人﹖ 難道女人的尊嚴便不重要﹖


根據演/進化心理學(Evolutionary Psychology)的理論,因為女生和男生天性的特點,使他們面對不同的「適者生存」問題,如男人要找到能為他繁殖的健康女人(即是具有相當的外表特質,如身材均等,樣貌對稱等) 。女人則要找尋可以為她願意投放資源的男人,畢竟要生一個孩子是十月懷胎的,在懷胎的時候,她需要他人的照顧。這理論認為男女的不同不代表其中一高一低,只是各有所長,進化心理學理論強調兩性的平等。Social Structure Theory卻認為男女的社會角色做就男女心理發展的不一樣。簡單舉一個例子,因為女性通常擔任培育的角色,促使女生較男生會照顧他人,重視關係; 男生卻因為在外工作,需要「戰鬥能力」,以至變得重視權力。這兩理論前者偏重於生物學和進化論,後者著重環境/文化的影響,而事實上兩者都對現代的兩性心理去均有重大影響,相輔相成。

我認為兩性之間,無論是生理或心理,本來就存在著不同。這種差異應該用我們中學時代學習的「和而不同」去適應,而不應該是兩性之間的權力鬥爭。女生要給女生和男生空間,男生也應該給男生和女生空間,探索生存的方法。你踏我一腳,我踏你一腳,我挖苦你,你挖苦我,何苦﹖ 就算講笑,希望大家也不要拿性別來講笑。試想想如果你的孩子日後給稱為「剩女」又好,「剩男」又好,「豬排」好「牛排」好,你還會笑得出來嗎﹖ 大家有沒有想過這樣下去,給加上標籤的自尊會到那裡去﹖ 而不被加上的那一群因為怕會成為outgroup,也只好繼續重覆社會認可的norm,請問有多少人真正的,開開心心的活在那些norm中,又是那些人「允許」那些norm 的存在﹖


2012年4月11日 星期三

On Being a Woman (1) 小女生在大世界的宣言(上)

Gender dynamics is something that I feel very close to my heart.  I don't think of myself as a feminist and in fact, you will probably find me as one of the most feminine persons in your life. I like to wear make up, do my hair, put on a dress in the summer, read woman magazine and cook a lot. I am soft-spoken, high pitched and gentle. I am also very nurturing, compassionate and other-oriented. I love to look fit and beautiful. Being all of the above never really bother me because that's who I am and I don't need to pretend that I am not.  I am proud to have the above characteristics.

I enjoy being a woman, for the most part. I do believe there are some benefits of being a woman.  For example, we can be emotionally supportive to each other and talk about our feelings most of the time.  On the contrary, men are often not encouraged to discuss their vulnerability publicly in our society. That's unfair and that's the society that we are living in and we got to recognize it. This is an unfair world. I have to repeat this. This is an unfair world. It is naive to think that the world is just. Read the Just world hypothesis if you are not understanding what I am saying.

I was drawn to gender studies when I was still a high school student. I did a small scale study on whether people would prefer to be a boy or girl. My unsophisticated study found that people (high school students) in general would rather be boys than girls. Then I went to college and studied women's power as portrayed in the Powerpuff girls for my final term paper in the Media, Sex & Violence class. Afterwards, I did some field work in a speed dating context and came to write a paper for my anthropology class on sex war.  Yes, when I was 21, I thought men and women were declaring war on each other. I haven't figure out yet the term was "power struggle."

Now, as a psychology doctoral student and a student clinician, I come to be more aware of gender dynamics in my interpersonal relationship, professional life and everyday life.  For instance, using an example that I shared in class today, when I have a male client in my room, I wonder how should I act?  Should I act like an expert, a submissive woman or the gentle usual me?  The weird thing is I never have to think about this question when I am with a female client or with a child. Why is that? If you have not realized yet, that's what we called the power dynamics/struggle between men and women.  (I apologize for not being able to incorporate other sexes here because I have insufficient knowledge background on the other sexes. Being a woman, I am more privilege in that sense.)

I am no expert on gender studies and I am not aspiring to become one.  What I can write is my own experience as a woman and I am not saying that all the women feel and behave the same way as I do. I know that I live in a patriarchal society, no matter I am in Hong Kong or in the United States. That' history and present. That's my fate but I am not going to let it paralyze me. I am here embracing the challenges of being a woman with integrity and dignity, with respect and sensitivity. At the same time,  I aspire to pay my respect to people of different gender and not to oppress them in anyway within my conscious awareness because I know what it is liked to be considered less. I will never name any women as "pork-chop," "Kong women (港女)" or "Sing women (盛女), no matter it is 「盛」or「 剩」" Its disparaging and derogatory. As a former journalism & communication/cultural study/anthropology student, I despise those who use the media to transmit sexist messages. It is irresponsible and for that reason, I use my space in the social media to resist sex discrimination.

2012年4月8日 星期日

Souffle 舒服咧!

在昨天美食頻道的Chopped All Star裡, 兩位名廚不約而同地在點心比賽中選擇Souffle來結合比賽的食材, 反映出Souffle的多變的搭配. 最受歡迎的Souffle莫過於以檸檬或水果為主調, 調和蛋黃和發泡的蛋白. 蛋黃與水果或食材製作的卡士達是主調, 發泡的蛋白讓蛋糕長大. 本週3004的美食大賽主題是蕃茄和蛋. 廚藝精湛的心理學家比比已經示範了簡便又美味的咖哩蛋包飯, 而我想用這兩種材料, 來製作初學者版本的Souffle!


Serve for : 2

材料 :

糖粉 Cane sugar : 2 tbs
軟化奶油 Chilled butter : 1 tbs (冷藏奶油可用微波爐以全火加熱15秒)
中筋麵粉 All purpose flour : 2 tbs
豆漿 Soy milk : 0.3 cup
蛋黃 Egg yolk : 1
蛋白 Egg whites : 1
柳橙原汁 Navel orange zest : 1 tbs

作法 :
1. 預熱烤箱至380 F (200 C)
2. 準備二個souffle皿, 挖空切半的番茄, 平底鍋, 二個大攪拌碗, 以及一台手持攪拌器
3. 結合軟化奶油, 糖粉和麵粉至大碗中, 用湯匙或攪拌器攪拌至均勻呈面糊狀
4. 倒入豆漿於平底鍋, 使用中火加熱至沸騰後關火, 拌入麵糊後迅速攪拌, 並拌回至大碗
5. 取另一大碗放入蛋白, 以攪拌器打至膨脹發泡, 均勻混入麵糊後, 迅速放入器皿約七分滿
6. 放入烤箱烤約30分鐘, 烤至蛋糕膨脹金黃!

Souffle filled in a halved tomato (not very tasty) :(((((

"別偷看, 會害羞!!"

一般Souffle的發脹通常只有短短的數秒. 從出爐到上桌常常是分秒必爭! 這時通常是要一手拿相機一手拿糖粉準備裝飾, Haha! 一旦接觸過久的冷空氣, Souffle內層就會漸漸失去發泡蛋白造成的"空間感", 像含羞草一樣縮起來了. 許多食譜會額外準備搭配的醬料, 來增加甜點口感的豐富.

後記 :
Souffle在烘烤的過程注重溫度和壓力的平衡, 如果烤箱沒有透明的觀景窗, 要小心偷看的後果啊! XDD 這次的食譜僅提供基本的蛋糕材料 - 奶油和麵粉, 因此口感偏向蛋糕. 以前我媽最喜歡買順成的Souffle送給大家. 它另人撲鼻的香草味和糖粉, 搭配香草, 巧克力或奶油的卡士達, 像是溫熱的布丁般低調的包覆在看似平凡的杯子蛋糕裡. 大家不彷試試不同的水果或醬料當作主調來取代奶油麵粉, 成為熱騰騰如原朵般口感的內餡!

Whole Wheat Gluten Free Scallions Steamed Buns 全麥蔥花卷

如Honey Be拳頭一樣大的蔥花卷新鮮出爐 This is as big as my fist! 
這個周末的廚房可忙碌呢! 我把昨天準備的老面從冰箱拿出來,興致勃勃的做起傳統中國包子來! 說起來,小時候,我並不喜歡吃饅頭之類的包子,因為我覺得它們沒有顏色又沒有味道,早餐看到它們就沒有胃口。今天聽來自中國內地的一凡和楊心講,我才知道原來饅頭這種包子是要配菜吃的,啊...現在才晃然大悟,難怪它是沒有味道的。天啊! 在網路上再找找,原來饅頭是可以煎和炒的,還有可以夾醬,我真的是大開眼界! 在香港的時候,我只知道炸饅頭是可以配煉乳,但我不知道白饅頭也可以點煉乳。

我很久之前在紐約做過一次饅頭,出來的效果十分嚇人,味道都不知道怎樣形容好,但是Honey K竟然還沒有成為我的男朋友之前把它們都吃光光,想起來,真的覺得很感動呢。好啦好啦,下次生氣的時候,我會想想這件事情,然後快快的原諒你的不是。


份量: 是乎大少,大概做八至十二個 

全麥高筋粉 半杯 Whole Wheat (Gluten Free) Bread Flour 1/2 cup
全麥低筋2杯  Whole Wheat (Gluten Free) Cake/Pastry Flour 2 cups
天然速發酵母 All Natural Active Dry Yeast (Gluten Free) 1/2 tsp
溫水 Warm Water 3/4 杯
鹽 Salt 1/4茶匙
糖 Sugar 2 tbsp 
切碎的蔥花 1/2 杯 Diced Scallions 1/2 cup 
橄欖油 Olive Oil 2tbsp

全麥高筋粉 1杯,
溫水 1/2杯
天然速發酵母  1/2 tsp ,










可能是用了全麥及Gluten Free的麵面,總覺得不太軟,不過還可以啦,加上芝麻油應該會更香。
打開一看,我終於做出像包子的包子了! 嗯,以後要做更好的!

Well. Cooking is not about perfection. It is about trial and error, like how we learn and study in our labs. We refine and refine until we just like it in a particular way and meet our goals.  Love cooking, love studying and love life.

Honey Be  

2012年4月7日 星期六

Omu-raisu 日式咖哩蛋包飯

Omuraisu 日式蛋包飯

Honey K昨晚提起做蕃茄蛋燴飯,加上是復活節,我們決定這個星期的約會食材為蛋和蕃茄。

這個星期工作很忙,心理報告一大堆要寫的,難得終於到周末,我決定要給自己好好休養一天,明天才繼續寫。我很久沒有放一整天的假了。說起來,這個星期的壓力可大,除了多了一個危機心理評估個案 (那小子說要炸學校),還要改論文的Literature Review。啊...一提起那個說要炸學校的便覺得責任很大。為甚麼是我來評估他﹖ 年輕人,在這個時勢開炸學校這種玩笑,你可玩不起啊! 唉...

份量 Serving: 1 人份

材料 Ingredients
蛋2隻 Eggs x2
熟米飯* 1碗  A bowl of rice
雜菜 (西蘭花+椰菜花+紅蘿蔔) 1杯  Mixed Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) 1 cup
蕃茄半個 1/2 Tomatoes
胡荽葉 少量 Cilantro a few
青檸 半個 1/2 Lime 
素雞/ 雞柳1片Vegetarian Chicken 1 slice (can use real chicken if prefer)
胡椒 少許 Black Pepper
棷欖油 適量 Olive Oil
日本咖啡磚 半塊 Japanese curry block 1/2 of 1 block
蕃茄醬 少許 Tomato sauce
Jalapenos half (diced into very small pieces)

這個米飯是混合了Wild Rice, Barley, Balsamic White Rice and Short Grain Brown Rice ,是我經常做的飯。
1. 蕃茄切粒,混入切碎的胡荽葉 ,加入青檸汁及胡椒,伴好待用。
2. 在鍋中加入適量的棷欖油 ,把菜及素雞一起炒至半熟,然後加入米飯和伴好的蕃茄,最後加入切碎的咖哩磚和少許胡椒。注意: 咖哩磚不宜放太多,因為會過咸。我煮了比較多的份量,因為我要帶便當和做另一道菜。

3. 在另一個平底鍋,把已打好的雞蛋用適量的棷欖油煎至半熟。

4. 然後,把大概1杯至1杯半的炒飯(2)放在蛋的中央,如下圖。剩下的炒飯可以另外吃。

5. 把蛋的兩邊向中央覆蓋,然後一反到碟上。

6. 塗上蕃茄醬,配上一大堆沙拉菜和芝麻醬,可以開飯了!


2012年4月1日 星期日

Spring Quiche

Vegetarian friendly quiche

Last week, I had a spinach and mushroom quiche from a local coffee shop next to where I work.  It tasted oily and fatty, not to mention it was overpriced.  This morning, I decided to make my own since I still had a pastry dough untouched in my fridge.

Serving: 4-6 (depending on your appetite)
4 eggs (whisk)
4-5 cups of uncooked spinach
Approximately 10 cherry tomatoes (I chose the really round ones instead of the oval ones)
A handful of reduced fat feta cheese   (crumbled or chopped into small cubes)
Half an onion (chopped into small pieces)
Mushroom (1 cup sliced)
Garlic (Diced 1 clove)
Salt & Pepper (2 tsp each)
Red pepper (1tbsp)
Jalapeno (half, diced)
Olive oil
Basil (10 leaves, coarsely chopped)
Store bought pastry dough


Preheat the oven to 350F for 15 mins.  Slice the tomatoes into halves, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Put it in the heated oven for 15 mins.

This is more than needed for the quiche. I made more so that I could make pasta. 
Diced half of a medium onion. Brown the onions with some diced garlic and olive oil in a big saucepan. 
Put in sliced mushrooms and jalapenos.  After 3 minutes, add in the spinach for a quick stir fry. Add some salt and pepper for seasoning.
Coarsely chopped the basil and put it aside, while the mushrooms and other veggies are cooking happily in the pan. 
Take out the roasted tomatoes from the oven. Preheat the oven to 450F for 15 mins.  Mix the cooked veggies with the chopped basil together in a bowl. Then whisk the eggs in a separate bowl and pour it into this bowl.  Add feta cheese the last and mix all the ingredients together.

Press the pastry dough around an 8 to 9 inch baking dish. Pour in the mixture. Don't worry too much about the edges of the pastry. It will come out like "homemade." Put it in the oven for approximately 30 to 40  minutes. You want to take the quiche out if the edges of the pastry get dark brown.
Look at this! Isn't it gorgeous? At least I think so. It tasted delicious. 
I took the quiche out with me. Today is a beautiful Sunday.
I used all the left over ingredients to make a round 2 recipe- Anchovies Whole Wheat Linguine with Spring Vegetables and Vegetarian Chicken (Coming up next). As for now, I need to write up a psychological assessment report and then head to a Zumba class to help digest good food. 
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