2013年7月21日 星期日

羽衣甘藍脆片 Kale Chips

As I am writing this blog, I have finished eating half of the Kale chips in this bowl.

有些小孩不愛吃青菜,只愛脆口的薯片,注重健康的家長可以做這些羽衣甘藍片,不用油炸,在烤箱烤上十五至二十分鐘便可。羽衣甘藍營養價值甚高(鐵質、鈣質、維生素A、C、D和K等),是超級食物(Super food) 的其中一種,可以讓挑食的小孩吃進更多的蔬菜和營養,也是女生們喜歡的低卡小吃。Honey K和我最愛吃羽衣甘藍,平均每個星期我們都會買一扎回家食用,我做過很多不同的羽衣甘藍料理,包括羽衣甘藍沙拉、豆腐炒羽衣甘藍等......今天,我第一次做羽衣甘藍片。


Honey K and I love Kale. I actually once bought him a Kale T-shirt simply because Kale is nutritious and we are Kale-lovers. I am not sure if you can find Kale in Hong Kong or Taiwan, but there are plentiful in the United States, at least in Minnesota and California. During the winter season, especially, we consume Kale A LOT because of the limited varieties of veggies available in the stores, in general. What can you expect? We live in the MIDWEST!!! I have to say Kale get me through the winter in Minnesota, which is gloomy most of the time.  [Note: The English content is not a translation of the Chinese content. I don't like to repeat myself.] Today, it is my first time making Kale chips.

羽衣甘藍 Kale

基本材料﹕ Basic Ingredients 

橄欖油 3湯匙 Olive Oil 3tbsp

羽衣甘藍 4 枝 Kale 4 stalks

黑胡椒 少許 Black Pepper a few dashes

鹽 適量 Salt a few dashes

按個人喜好可加入以後的材料﹕ Optional Ingredients 

營養酵母 3茶匙 Nutrition Yeast 3 tbsp 

檸檬汁 2湯匙 Lemon juice 2 tbsp 

Cayenne Pepper 1茶匙 Cayenne Pepper 1 tsp 

方法 Method ﹕ 

1. 洗淨羽衣甘藍。

Wash the Kale. 

2. 把菜葉撕下來,不要撕得太碎或太細,似薯片大少就好了。

Tear off the leaves. Keep the size like a regular potato chip or else it will become really small. It 



3. 然後在一個小碗,混合調味料和橄欖油。

Mix the seasoning, like nutrition yeast, cayenne pepper, black pepper, salt and olive oil, in a small bowl. I basically skip the salt, add the pepper, cayenne pepper and nutrition yeast. However, you can always do the basic version with salt and pepper only. They taste as good.

這個碗中有黑胡椒、營養酵母、Cayanne Pepper,調味可按個人喜好改變口味,基本調味為鹽和胡椒。

4. 把(3) 混入已撕好的菜中,然後用手幫它們按摩一分鐘。
Mix (3) into the Kale. Massage them with your hands for 1 minute.

5. 再把它們放在烤盆上,記得要把它們分開來放。
Put them on a baking tray, separate them well. I used two baking tray.

6. 放入烤箱,以200度烤上15至20分鐘,當它們變脆即可食用。如果是用300F的話,十分鐘它們便會變脆,但容易變焦。
Bake them in 200 F for 20 minutes or 300 F for 10 mins. The 300 F version gets slightly burn in the edges.

Kale chips are great for picnic and party. They totally replace my desire to munch on potato chips. 


Easy to make and healthy to eat. 
7. 從烤箱拿出來後,放涼五分鐘可食用。
Take them out of the oven and cool them down for 5 minutes, at least before you put them into your mouth.

根據住在香港的Priscilla, 香港的居民可以考慮用芥蘭菜葉她的英文網頁也有提供羽衣甘藍的售賣地點。我在香港金鐘太古廣場Great超市曾買到過Kale.
If you live in Hong Kong and you want to get some Kale, you can go to Priscilla's website to see where they are available for purchase.

7 則留言:

  1. Where you buy Kale in HK?

  2. We buy it from www.fortunefarm.hk/Store

  3. Where can u find in Taiwan, any idea?!

  4. 您好,

    1. 我其實都不太清楚,不好意思,沒有注意到留言,比較晚才回你。

