2012年4月1日 星期日

Spring Quiche

Vegetarian friendly quiche

Last week, I had a spinach and mushroom quiche from a local coffee shop next to where I work.  It tasted oily and fatty, not to mention it was overpriced.  This morning, I decided to make my own since I still had a pastry dough untouched in my fridge.

Serving: 4-6 (depending on your appetite)
4 eggs (whisk)
4-5 cups of uncooked spinach
Approximately 10 cherry tomatoes (I chose the really round ones instead of the oval ones)
A handful of reduced fat feta cheese   (crumbled or chopped into small cubes)
Half an onion (chopped into small pieces)
Mushroom (1 cup sliced)
Garlic (Diced 1 clove)
Salt & Pepper (2 tsp each)
Red pepper (1tbsp)
Jalapeno (half, diced)
Olive oil
Basil (10 leaves, coarsely chopped)
Store bought pastry dough


Preheat the oven to 350F for 15 mins.  Slice the tomatoes into halves, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Put it in the heated oven for 15 mins.

This is more than needed for the quiche. I made more so that I could make pasta. 
Diced half of a medium onion. Brown the onions with some diced garlic and olive oil in a big saucepan. 
Put in sliced mushrooms and jalapenos.  After 3 minutes, add in the spinach for a quick stir fry. Add some salt and pepper for seasoning.
Coarsely chopped the basil and put it aside, while the mushrooms and other veggies are cooking happily in the pan. 
Take out the roasted tomatoes from the oven. Preheat the oven to 450F for 15 mins.  Mix the cooked veggies with the chopped basil together in a bowl. Then whisk the eggs in a separate bowl and pour it into this bowl.  Add feta cheese the last and mix all the ingredients together.

Press the pastry dough around an 8 to 9 inch baking dish. Pour in the mixture. Don't worry too much about the edges of the pastry. It will come out like "homemade." Put it in the oven for approximately 30 to 40  minutes. You want to take the quiche out if the edges of the pastry get dark brown.
Look at this! Isn't it gorgeous? At least I think so. It tasted delicious. 
I took the quiche out with me. Today is a beautiful Sunday.
I used all the left over ingredients to make a round 2 recipe- Anchovies Whole Wheat Linguine with Spring Vegetables and Vegetarian Chicken (Coming up next). As for now, I need to write up a psychological assessment report and then head to a Zumba class to help digest good food. 

4 則留言:

  1. Don't you add any cream whipped with eggs?

  2. No. I didn't. It still tastes great without the cream or milk.

  3. 為預防中年後出現[膽固醇]偏高現象, 建議用egg烹食時把部份蛋黃抽出. 例如此道菜用四只蛋 = 四蛋白連兩蛋黃.
    Of course the attractive "egg smell" will be reduced la...

    1. As long as you are not eating the whole quiche at a time, you will be good. Of course, egg white is more healthy but at the same time, the egg yolk is nutritious too.

